Friday, March 27, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/27/09

It is cool that the president answered questions from the Internet.

Who cares about blacks. I thought we had all that civil rights crap so they couldn't pull the "We're different" thing.

F%$#*&g Mexican drug dealers. We should pull out of Iraq, and invade Mexico and stop this drug problem.

That rap sucked.
Extreme sledding looks like a good way to die. LoL.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Channel 1 news 3/24/09

I personally don't care about other people. I mean I have too much to worry about that effects me.

The government better be trying to help our economy, or they are retarded.

It is too bad that those people died on that plane. It also sucks that another plane crashed in Japan.

Cool, there was a volcanic eruption in Alaska.

I think that it is cool that India has created a car that is available for the poor people there

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/19/09

I think that it is stupid that people can't go to college because they can't afford it. The government should put a lot of money into sending our citizens to college.

At least the government is trying to fix our economy.

I think it is really stupid that people are going to get hurt by using their phones. Text messaging is stupid!!!!!

I think that that key is really cool. It will be very useful. But those people they talked to sound pretty stupid.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Channel 1 News 3/4/09

Who cares if those guys are going to merge their companies. All they want to do is make money.
I think that it is cool that the government is trying to get people to buy stuff.
Hillary Clinton is in Israel. Oh, well.
It is weird that a sports team was attacked. A sports team!

That guy is really young to be a professional snowboarder. He is pretty good too.